
About Us

The creators behind floWeRAP are two Hungarian women who have experienced both the Japanese and Hungarian cultures. Below, you can read about the backgrounds of Anna Papai-Vonderviszt and Orsolya Csoma, their meeting, and the circumstances that led to the birth of floWeRAP. It's with pride that we can say Japanese elegance met Hungarian creativity, and the result of it is the floWeRAP cloth.

how can I use flowerap?

The Story of FloWeRAP

The brainchild of floWeRAP, Anna Pápai-Vonderviszt, first set foot in Japan during her preschool years. As a child, she spent six years there with her family. After completing her studies in Japanology at ELTE, she worked as the secretary-general of the Hungarian-Japanese Friendship Society. During this time, she began giving furoshiki lectures and workshops. Thanks to the success of these lectures, she was commissioned by Cser Publishing to release two books on furoshiki: "Japanese Cloth Wrapping" in 2013 and "Japanese Cloth Bags" in 2015. (Both in Hungarian language.)

From 2016, she spent another six years in Japan, during which time Anna honed her furoshiki knowledge and learned the art of cloth wrapping from the greatest masters. The idea for floWeRAP was born in 2017 while Anna was active in Japan. She learned many floral techniques at one of the workshops there but hadn't come across a cloth that was patterned to match these techniques.

This is when she reached out to the daughter of an acquaintance, a textile designer named Orsolya Csoma. The two of them immediately connected and their collaboration gave birth to floWeRAP.

The first floWeRAPs were born (manufactured) in Japan. Anna also held floWeRAP workshops in Japan, but in 2022, she moved back home and has since been promoting the use of furoshiki cloths in Hungary. In the summer of 2023, the Hungarian webshop was born, allowing the European audience to enjoy the blossoming wonder.